Friday, 13 May 2011

Fabulous Fridays.

Maybe if I do something like this I might actually post more?! It's worth a shot. Maybe I can make my posts a bit more upbeat and friendly. Instead of the "dear diary... fml (insert dramatic reason here)"

The best part about my week, well, it's a secret. ;)

Sad isn't it? haha. No really, it is a secret that I've told many. 

I tend to do that.

Anyway, just because... Well, I can't tell you the fabulous that is coming. 

So I'll shall other fabulous from this week!

Mother's Day was a day to celebrate motherhood & a special friend's birthday.

I usually like to be behind the camera but I love this. 
Happy Birthday, Katie! 

she really loved being apart of the festivities. I love her. 

love this picture. 

I'm really really lucky to have found such amazing friends in vegas.

I ended up having monday off... which was fabulous because it RAINED! :) 

which turned into a great time to pull out the camera & take some yummy shots.