Thursday, 17 June 2010


I have the weirdest concept of organizing... I have no idea how to organize like a sane person. I'm pretty sure if someone realized how things were cataloged in my brain they'd be very confused. A lot of clutter really throws me out of whack and I find that I'm surrounded by it in all aspects of my life.

I think I am a person that just needs simplicity because it doesn't take much before I'm bogged down. A garage full of belongings and I have no idea how to sort, organize and toss. A closet with storage and I close the door. I try to get myself to just throw things away (I am not a hoarder) but there might be a better opportunity to sell things that someone else might want/need/use.  I have no motivation to do a lot of the sorting, organizing and collecting on my own... It becomes to much for me to handle.

I have a really hard time being places when I need to be. I have no concept of time. I think it takes 15 minutes to shower, change and get ready before I go somewhere... This is something I really need to work on. If I know I need to be somewhere at 2 PM -- I need to start getting ready at 11 AM --- so that I can manage to not be apologizing for being 10, 15, 20 minutes late. It's not a life style I want and I have no idea where my time concept went. -- The blog posts from now on, will be me. In the only form I know how to be... 100% random.


  1. I'm excited for 100% Mary/random :) Just like a ride in the car! Get some garbage bags, I'll make that garage organized with you!

  2. Haha, exactly. It's going to be like riding in the car with me... ;) WAIT TIL YOU SEE MY KITCHEN!
