The following categories only exist if one is taught well how to be wise and how to manage one's money. I have the hardest problem with holding on to my money (or anyone's money). I always want to buy things for people. I want to please people by showing them that I care about them, whether it's a cup of coffee at Starbucks or a vacation to the Bahamas. To be wise is to know the difference between when it's appropriate to buy for others and when it's OK for people to purchase their own (they make money, they can afford things.... doesn't always have be on your tab --- situations. )
My biggest problem is over purchasing for Malia. I always want to buy her new toys, new clothes, something nice for this or maybe a new pair of shoes. I know she wont know the difference between buying something and just spending time with her (I think she'd much rather just spend time together). I'm learning to weed out the materialistic side of life and live with simplicity.
It's a hard road when trying to clarify the importance in the things you surround yourself with. I'm trying to make our bedroom nice and pretty but it doesn't take a ton of money or a lot of work to make something a bit more classic (surprise for Matt --- because I like to do nice things for people).
I need to learn to be more relaxed, less stress and loose the urge to feel easily overwhelmed. I'm slowly getting there but one of my biggest stresses is always wanting to buy everything for anyone. To be wise is to know how to handle your own money.
Have you read The Five Love Languages? I wonder if Gifts is your language... in which case it's not just about money management, it's also about how you communicate your love to people. Definitely check it out if you haven't already, it's good stuff.